When I decided to read The Catcher in the Rye, I was skeptical as to whether or not I would like it. My sister didn’t like it; my dad recently read it and despised it. It’s such a classic and well-known book, though, that I decided to try it.
           I actually like it so far. The most surprising thing is that I like the writing style. I’m not usually a fan of stream-of-consciousness writing, but Catcher is different. The writing is very conversational, which I like—it feels like Holden is sitting across from me, telling his story.
           The thing I’m enjoying the most, though, is Holden’s attitude. Although Catcher isn’t a happy book, I’m amused by Holden’s sarcastic, witty remarks—things like “She had a nice voice. A nice telephone voice. She should’ve carried a damn telephone around with her” (54). This tone is what has kept me engaged, despite my usual aversion to writing styles like Salinger’s. It looks like I’m going to break the mold by, unlike the rest of my family, actually liking Catcher in the Rye.
Michael Huynh
4/10/2012 09:51:54 pm

I've read this book too. In fact, it's one of my favorite classical texts. I agree: Holden and Salinger's language is very much likeable. Holden is sarcastic and witty which I can relate. I'm glad that you seem to be pleased by the novel.


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